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Teacher Audio Feedback


Teacher audio feedback was connected with one of the assignments in GE foundation course, namely group presentation which required students to explore one of the learned topics and present with PPT slides at the end of course. Audio feedback was implemented during student project-based learning in three stages namely deciding inquiry questions (See inquiry question template in Appendix 3), making inquiry proposal (See project proposal template in Appendix 4) and designing PPT slides (see Figure 1). The students were required to submit their group work step by step on Google Drive. After the teachers received students’ work, they would use talk and comment for chrome to make audio comments in Google documents and slides and the students responded to their teachers’ feedback and refined their work. Figure 2 captures the interface of teacher’s audio comments and students’ responses on the group inquiry questions in Google Docs. In short, audio feedback presented three features namely electronic, asynchronous and ongoing.










                              Figure 1. The flowchart of audio feedback process​


As this was the first time that the students in experimental groups had obtained audio feedback in Google Docs and Slides, the provision of relevant training was necessary. The training included sharing the objectives of this intervention study, giving guidance on how to submit their work using Google Docs and Slides on Google drive, and receive and respond to teachers’ audio feedback by doing the demo and giving students chances to try out. The training materials (See Appendices 5 & 6) were made into text and video clips which were uploaded on Moodle for reference. The training session ensured that students could use technology to receive and take up audio feedback without difficulties.










  Figure 2. The interface of audio feedback and students’ responses on the group inquiry questions


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