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GE Foundation Course


The GE foundation course is a compulsory 3-credit point course for all first-year students in the second semester in the Education University of Hong Kong. This course introduces students to a selections of major themes and topics in GE. Students are expected to think critically about a broad range of issues, construct and attain knowledge, and apply what they have learned to their own lives after completing the course. Therefore, the GE foundation course is a large-scale programme that is seen as meaningful for developing undergraduates’ generic skills for their lives and future work. Classes of the GE foundation course comprise weekly lectures and tutorials, both of which last two hours per week. The lectures are delivered face-to-face or via video by leading scholars or practitioners. A small class environment is used for tutorials where students participate in the activities arranged by instructors to develop their understanding and thinking about course content. GE foundation course assessment consists of multiple tasks which contribute to a final grade. Table 1 summarizes the assessment requirements.


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